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unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 10:58:47, 来源:未名交友
标题: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

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美国金融危机, 房地产, 投资 (IXV)

危机:信用破产 美国经济就没救了
Half-million jobs vanish in a flash as economy deteriorates
Job losses mount as economic picture worsens
Obama discusses economic plan to save, create jobs
11月失业率创15年来新高 布什承认经济衰退

※ 最后修改者:unavail, 修改于:2008-12-06 11:02:57 ※
※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:00:53, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

危机:信用破产 美国经济就没救了




美国劳工部公布上周申领失业救济总人数突破400万,至409万,创1982年以来新高。而美国供应管理协会(Institute for Supply Management )的工厂指数下跌至1982年的新低,10月份工厂订单跌至8年以来新低,本地及海外市场的需求锐减,显示由房地产开始的危机,已漫延到生产及服务业。美联储主席伯南克也公开警告房屋断供收楼的速度太快,政府要想办法救助业主,但无奈布什政府行将交接,已无意推出救业主的方案。

美国市场的焦点仍是汽车制造业,濒临崩溃边缘的通用汽车和克莱斯勒正考虑接受美国国会提议的“预先安排破产”,作为获取美国政府救助的条件。市场人士指出,这是一种高保险的破产方案。通用(GM)再度向美国国会求救,说急需80亿美元援助以应付这两个月的困境。GM的行政总裁华戈纳(Rick Wagoner)在参议院银行委员会(Senate Banking Committee) 时承认,“GM今天来到这里的原因是因为犯了错误,超出控制的力量已将GM推到死亡边缘”。


油价也在跳水,纽约原油收市跌穿每桶44美元,报43.67美元,下挫6.7%,是2005125日以来新低。油组轮任主席、阿尔及利亚能源和矿业部长哈利勒周三话,油价走势取决于国际市场供求形势、库存水平、全球经济增长前景等因素,油价“没有底部可言”,油价有可能跌到一个非常低的水平。他又表示,石油市场显然存在供应过剩问题。美林的商品策略分析员宾茨(Francisco Blanch)更在一份报告中说,全球性经济衰落引至原油需求缩减,若全面波及中国,明年油价有可能会下跌至每桶25美元。能源及油股跟随油价下泻,标普500的四十只能源类股份全部下跌,雪佛龙(Chervon)及艾克森美孚(Exxon Mobil) 分别下挫4%71.76美元及跌3.4%76.27美元。

昨天讲到纽约大学教授罗宾尼(Nouriel Roubini)“停滞通缩论”,今天可以再补两笔。罗宾尼说政府会做大量的事情莱制止通缩,当传统的减息救市方法不见效时,政府会做非传统的事情,例如向金融机构提供大量资金,以阻止信贷紧缩和和利息高企。或者,政府可能直接出钱去为银行存户、投资者和贷款人赎身。但这些无效的时候,银行同业短息和政府的目标利率息差仍大,又或者能稳住短息(银行同业拆息)但稳不住长息(按揭利息、商业票据利息和消费者信贷利息),政府唯有采取更“疯狂”的措施,例如长期维持零利息,并透过大手购入政府债券放水,并直接买入商业票据、按揭和按揭支持证券(mortgage-backed securities MBS)及其它资产支持的证券。罗宾尼说,美联储早已做紧拉低短息的工作,现在正在做他认为“疯狂”的举动——直接买入按揭支持证券。







※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:01:25, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

Half-million jobs vanish in a flash as economy deteriorates


By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer Jeannine Aversa, Ap Economics Writer – 33 mins ago

WASHINGTON – An alarming half-million American jobs vanished virtually in a flash last month, the worst mass layoffs in over a third of a century, as economic carnage spread ever faster and the nation hurtled toward what could be the hardest hard times since the Great Depression.

Underscoring Friday's dismaying signs of a rapidly deteriorating economy, General Motors announced yet more job cuts, and a record number of homeowners were reported behind on mortgage payments or in foreclosure.

Somehow Wall Street found a silver lining, betting that so much bad news would force fresh government action to revive the foundering economy. The Dow Jones industrial rose 259 points.

Staring at 533,000 lost jobs, economists were anything but hopeful. Since the start of the recession last December, the economy has shed 1.9 million jobs, and the number of unemployed people has increased by 2.7 million — to 10.3 million now out of work.

Some analysts predict 3 million more jobs will be lost between now and the spring of 2010 — and that the once-humming U.S. economy could stagger backward at a shocking 6 percent rate for the current three-month quarter.

"The economy is in a free fall," said Richard Yamarone of Argus Research. "It is as if someone flicked off the switch on hiring."

"It's a mess," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. "Businesses, battening down the hatches, are concerned about their survival and are cutting workers."

President-elect Barack Obama said the crisis "is likely to get worse before it gets better," and no one was going to argue that point. Economists predicted the unemployment rate, which rose to a 15-year high of 6.7 percent in November, could soar as high as 10 percent before skittish employers begin hiring again.

The jobless rate would have bolted to 7 percent for the month if not for the exodus of 422,000 people from the work force for any number of reasons — going back to school, retiring or simply abandoning job searches out of sheer frustration. When people stop looking, they're no longer counted in the unemployment rate.

The rate was at 4.7 percent just one year ago, 6.5 percent in October.

Employment shrank in virtually every part of the economy — factories, construction companies, financial firms, accounting and bookkeeping, architectural and engineering firms, hotels and motels, food services, retailers, temporary help, transportation, publishing, janitorial and building maintenance, and even waste management. The few fields spared included education, health care and government.

The United States — already in recession for a year, may not be out of it until the spring of 2010 — making for the longest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, economists are now saying. Recessions in the mid-1970s and early 1980s last 16 months.

Unemployment peaked at 10.8 percent in 1982, terrible but still a far cry from the Depression, when roughly one in four Americans were out of work.

That said, more pain is certainly in store. Fresh evidence:

• A record one in 10 American homeowners with a mortgage was either at least a month behind on payments or in foreclosure at the end of September, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported.

General Motors, already pleading with Congress for billions of dollars to survive the month, said it would lay off an additional 2,000 workers as it cuts shifts at three car factories starting in February due to slowing demand for GM cars.

President George W. Bush, who used the word "recession" for the first time to describe the economy's state, pledged Friday to explore more efforts to ease housing, credit and financial stresses.

"There is still more work to do," Bush said. "My administration is committed to ensuring that our economy succeeds."

President-elect Obama said the dismal job news underscored the need for forceful action, even as he warned that the pain could not be quickly relieved.

"There are no quick or easy fixes to this crisis ... and it's likely to get worse before it gets better," Obama said. "At the same time, this ... provides us with an opportunity to transform our economy to improve the lives of ordinary people by rebuilding roads and modernizing schools for our children, investing in clean energy solutions to break our dependence on imported oil, and making an early down payment on the long-term reforms that will grow and strengthen our economy for all Americans for years to come."

On a personal level, right before Thanksgiving, Mark Pierce, 51, who was executive pastor at a church in Mansfield, Ohio, was given a choice: get laid off or take a lesser job with a roughly 40 percent pay cut. His last day of work was Tuesday.

"Anyone in that situation looks at it very personally," he said. "You say, 'Is this a cut across the board, or it just me?'"

It's not just him.

Employers are slashing costs as they cope with sagging sales in the U.S. and in other countries, which are struggling with their own economic troubles.

In recent days, AT&T Inc., DuPont, JPMorgan Chase & Co., as well as jet engine maker Pratt & Whitney, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp., and mining company Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. all have announced layoffs.

Tom Solso, chief executive of Columbus, Ind.-based manufacturer Cummins Inc., said Friday the company planned to cut 500 jobs, or about 3.5 percent of its work force despite other cost-cutting moves such as temporarily shutting down plants, shortening work weeks and extending holiday shutdowns.

Fighting for survival, the chiefs of Chrysler LLC, General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. returned to Capitol Hill Friday to again ask lawmakers for as much as $34 billion in emergency aid.

Workers with jobs did see modest wage gains in November. Average hourly earnings rose to $18.30, a 0.4 percent increase from the previous month. Over the year, wages have grown 3.7 percent, but paychecks haven't stretched that far because of high prices for energy, food and other items.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is now expected ratchet down a key interest rate — near a historic low of 1 percent — by at least a half-percentage point on Dec. 16 in a bid to breathe life into the moribund economy. Bernanke is exploring other economic revival options and wants the government to step up efforts to curb home foreclosures.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, whose department oversees the $700 billion financial bailout program, also is weighing new initiatives such as tapping the second half of that rescue money to ease the economic crisis.

Obama, who takes office on Jan. 20, has called for a massive economic recovery bill to generate 2.5 million jobs over his first two years in office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has vowed to have a package ready on Inauguration Day for Obama's signature.

The measure, which could total $500 billion, would bankroll big public works projects to create jobs, provide aid to states to help with Medicaid costs, and provide money toward renewable energy development.

For now that's cold comfort to Gary Cope, 33, who lost his communications job this week at Roanoke, Va.-based high-tech research and development company Luna Innovations Inc.

Cope was called into a meeting first thing Thursday morning. The message: He was being laid off, for financial reasons, effective immediately.

He left with a box of his belongings and about two months' severance. As Cope walked out the door, all he could think was, "I have a 3-year-old son and I'm a single dad."

"I came home and did my initial pity party, then I got myself together, talked to my family and went right to work" rewriting his resume and sending it out, Cope said.


AP writers Christopher S. Rugaber, Ellen Simon and Chris Leonard contributed to this report.

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:01:51, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

Job losses mount as economic picture worsens


Saturday December 6, 9:30 am ET
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer


Half-million US jobs lost as economy continues worst free-fall in decades

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Record numbers of homeowners are falling behind on mortgage payments and the U.S. economy is losing jobs at an alarming rate with companies big and small slashing their work force.

A half-million American jobs disappeared month, the worst mass layoffs in more than three decades, as the nation spiraled downward in what could be the hardest hard times since the Great Depression.

Bush administration officials said Friday night that the White House is considering telling Congress as early as next week that it wants to tap the unused $350 billion of the financial industry bailout. It was not immediately clear how the administration might use the money.

General Motors, one of the Big Three automakers that went to Congress this week for a second time with hat in hand, announced it was cutting even more jobs.

"The economy is in a free fall," said Richard Yamarone of Argus Research. "It is as if someone flicked off the switch on hiring."

Despite the gloom, investors found a silver lining, betting that so much bad news would force fresh government action to revive the foundering economy. The Dow Jones industrial rose 259 points.

But economists, staring at 533,000 lost jobs, were anything but hopeful. Since the start of the recession last December, the economy has shed 1.9 million jobs, and the number of unemployed people has increased by 2.7 million -- to 10.3 million now out of work.

Some analysts predict 3 million more jobs will be lost between now and the spring of 2010 -- and that the once-humming U.S. economy could stagger backward at a shocking 6 percent rate for the current three-month quarter.

"It's a mess," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. "Businesses, battening down the hatches, are concerned about their survival and are cutting workers."

President-elect Barack Obama said the crisis "is likely to get worse before it gets better," and no one was going to argue that point. Economists predicted the unemployment rate, which rose to a 15-year high of 6.7 percent in November, could soar as high as 10 percent before skittish employers begin hiring again.

The jobless rate would have bolted to 7 percent for the month if not for the exodus of 422,000 people from the work force for any number of reasons -- going back to school, retiring or simply abandoning job searches out of frustration. When people stop looking, they're no longer counted in the unemployment rate.

The rate was at 4.7 percent just one year ago, 6.5 percent in October.

Employment shrank in virtually every part of the economy -- factories, construction companies, financial firms, accounting and bookkeeping, architectural and engineering firms, hotels and motels, food services, retailers, temporary help, transportation, publishing, janitorial and building maintenance, and even waste management. The few fields spared included education, health care and government.

The United States -- already in recession for a year, may not be out of it until the spring of 2010 -- making for the longest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, economists are now saying. Recessions in the mid-1970s and early 1980s last 16 months.

Unemployment peaked at 10.8 percent in 1982, terrible but still a far cry from the Depression, when roughly one in four Americans were out of work.

That said, more pain is certainly in store. Fresh evidence:

-- A record one in 10 American homeowners with a mortgage was either at least a month behind on payments or in foreclosure at the end of September, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported.

-- General Motors, already pleading with Congress for billions of dollars to survive the month, said it would lay off an additional 2,000 workers as it cuts shifts at three car factories starting in February due to slowing demand for GM cars.

President George W. Bush, who used the word "recession" for the first time to describe the economy's state, pledged Friday to explore more efforts to ease housing, credit and financial stresses.

"There is still more work to do," Bush said. "My administration is committed to ensuring that our economy succeeds."

President-elect Obama said the dismal job news underscored the need for forceful action, even as he warned that the pain could not be quickly relieved.

Employers are slashing costs as they cope with sagging sales in the U.S. and in other countries, which are struggling with their own economic troubles.

In recent days, AT&T Inc., DuPont, JPMorgan Chase & Co., as well as jet engine maker Pratt & Whitney, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp., and mining company Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. all have announced layoffs.

Tom Solso, chief executive of Columbus, Ind.-based manufacturer Cummins Inc., said Friday the company planned to cut 500 jobs, or about 3.5 percent of its work force despite other cost-cutting moves such as temporarily shutting down plants, shortening work weeks and extending holiday shutdowns.

Fighting for survival, the chiefs of Chrysler LLC, General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. returned to Capitol Hill Friday to again ask lawmakers for as much as $34 billion in emergency aid.

Workers with jobs did see modest wage gains in November. Average hourly earnings rose to $18.30, a 0.4 percent increase from the previous month. Over the year, wages have grown 3.7 percent, but paychecks haven't stretched that far because of high prices for energy, food and other items.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is now expected ratchet down a key interest rate -- near a historic low of 1 percent -- by at least a half-percentage point on Dec. 16 in a bid to breathe life into the moribund economy. Bernanke is exploring other economic revival options and wants the government to step up efforts to curb home foreclosures.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, whose department oversees the $700 billion financial bailout program, also is weighing new initiatives.

Obama, who takes office on Jan. 20, has called for a massive economic recovery bill to generate 2.5 million jobs over his first two years in office. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has vowed to have a package ready on Inauguration Day for Obama's signature.

The measure, which could total $500 billion, would bankroll big public works projects to create jobs, provide aid to states to help with Medicaid costs, and provide money toward renewable energy development.

※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:02:07, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

// problem won’t be fixed: 530,000 job cuts in 11/08 only; 4 million jobs outsourcing to India with more coming not only in IT but finance and accounting as well.
// Obama will create 2.5 million jobs in his recovery plan. Still bleak for us working class for the job placement.

Obama discusses economic plan to save, create jobs

Saturday December 6, 6:01 am ET
By Ann Sanner, Associated Press Writer


In radio address, Obama looks to create jobs by saving energy and upgrading schools, roads

CHICAGO (AP) -- President-elect Barack Obama said Saturday he's asked his economic team for a recovery plan that saves or creates more than 2 million jobs, makes public buildings more energy-efficient and invests in the country's roads and schools.

"We won't just throw money at the problem," Obama said in his weekly radio address and Internet video. "We'll measure progress by the reforms we make and the results we achieve -- by the jobs we create, by the energy we save, by whether America is more competitive in the world."

Obama's remarks come after the Labor Department announced Friday that employers cut 533,000 jobs in November, the most in 34 years.

Obama said his plan would put millions of people to work by "making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s."

He also wants to install energy-saving light bulbs and replace old heating systems in federal buildings to cut costs and create jobs.

School buildings would get an upgrade, too. "Because to help our children compete in a 21st century economy, we need to send them to 21st century schools," Obama said.

As a part of the plan, Obama said he wants to expand Internet access in communities. Hospitals also should be connected to each other online.

"Here, in the country that invented the Internet, every child should have the chance to get online," he said.

Obama said he would announce other details of the economic recovery plan in the coming weeks. He said he'd work with Congress to pass the initiative when lawmakers reconvene in January.

※ 最后修改者:unavail, 修改于:2008-12-06 11:07:37 ※
※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:02:24, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)




说实话,我的遣散费已经花得差不多了,再加上纽约就业市场的日益不景气,远赴他乡工作现在对我来说已不再是什么难题了。我妻子一如既往地支持我的工作选择,因为我的前雇主标准普尔公司(Standard & Poors)的工作需要,我们曾在伦敦和法兰克福生活了数年。




(本文作者在今年3月之前的8年中一直担任雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers Holdings)评级顾问部门的高级副总裁。在此之前他是标准普尔公司的一名经理。他1982年在巴布森学院(Babson College)获得了M.B.A学位。他现在与妻子居住在康涅狄格州的费尔菲德,有两个孩子。)


※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:02:40, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)

11月失业率创15年来新高 布什承认经济衰退


126日电 布什总统当地时间5日公开承认美国经济已进入衰退期,但强调政府正采取多项措施,对经济恢复活力有信心。






布什最后说,他有信心政府正在采取的步骤,将能修补经济,并让经济恢复活力。 (本文来源:中新网 )


※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-12-06 11:02:57, 来源:未名交友
标题: Re: 金融危机, 房地产, 投资(IXV)







※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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