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unavail ( 男 , 51 )
地区: 美国, 加州
作者: unavail, 俱乐部:醉是音乐 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-07-11 01:28:12, 来源:未名交友
标题: 投资理财 (2-5): 湾区双职工的理财术 - Zhuzhu1972

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投资理财 (2-5):

湾区双职工的理财术 - Zhuzhu1972

我们是标准的湾区双职工,mid-30s,硕士学历,在High Tech公司上班,薪水Average(LG 160K, LP 90K 含bonus)。看着是蛮高的,可是光靠这点死薪水,每月的赤字就吓人了。不相信,我算给你听:

Take home pay: $10,000 (excluding tax, $15,500 each for 401K, 15% ESPP)

Mortgage (900K, 5.375%) $5045
Property Tax/Insurance $1500
Food $1000
Household items $300
Gardener $210
Car payment $645 (0% interest 5 years)
Gas/car maintenance $600
Utility $500-600 (electricity, water,trash)
Child care $950
Note: This number will double since the 2nd child will be born at
the end of the year.
Other expenses for baby $500 (diaper, formula, clothes, toy,activities)
Clothes $500 (年底sales的时候买的多,平均大概是这个数)
Entertainment $50 (家里有baby,没有时间玩了)
Others $200
Total expense $12100 - $13000


我们的solution是rental apartments, 而且是有cash flow 的property. 这样的property 在加州难找,在midwest 还挺多,只是property value上升空间不大。不过我们本来只是对现金流有兴趣,投资的criteria是good location, good cash flow and newer property (low maintenance cost). 目前的profolio 有68 unit, net value 约 3 M, LTV 75%, net income >$6K/month.

也许大家要问我们的downpayment 从何而来,这要感谢湾区地产前几年的疯狂上涨,
卖了两间房,净赚了600K, 1031 exchange defers capital gain tax。再卖点股票,

最近在看一个listing, 30 unit (1 bed/1bath), 1998 built, total monthly rent
15K. 要价1.4M, owner financing (90%, 6.5% interest, 25 yr amortization,
5yr balloon)。正在谈价钱,希望能讲到1.3M。Cashflow 大概有$2500 左右,听起


※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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